Home Office Table

home office table

Zenpro offers the best home office table in Malaysia. Zenpro has an immense collection of home office tables, and here are some of the best-picked tables that we have to offer. The tables in this list could change depending on availability and trend in the market. Without further a do, let’s see some of the best tables that we have to offer. Zenpro also offers a world classs office workstation with customized designs which help in to utilize your waste areas of offices.


SQ Meeting

The SQ meeting is a workstation desk that is best for IT department employees as it provides huge space for a personal computer and as well as a comfortable spot for a mouse and keyboard. It can also be used in a meeting and comes in various sizes and colors. It comes in black, brown and white. It has a normal size, and it comes in various lengths such as:


Short Description of companies that we are partnered with:

Here is a short description of each company

  • 6-pax (L1500)
  • 6 to 8 pax (L1800)
  • 8 to 10 pax (L2100)
  • 10 pax (L3000)

And the table width could be from W900, W1000, W1050, W1200 (common standard), and even W1350 or W1500mm.


Bridge Meeting

The bridge meeting is a home office table with a unique look and an angled leg. It comes in different colors such as black and white. Due to its unique design, it can look pleasing to the eye and comes in a variety of lengths such as:

  • L1800
  • L2400
  • L3000
  • L3600
  • L4800
  • L6000 mm


It has normal width, and it can have sizes of:

  • W900
  • W1000
  • W1200
  • W1500 mm

Its specialty is that it can come in different shapes such as rectangular, board shape, or Oblong.

The bridge meeting table is very trendy at the moment and could even be sold out very soon. Here at zenpro, we value our customer’s opinions, and we can even create a whole office partition setup for our customers. We make sure to provide our customers with the best office furniture available in the market.